My feline characters share one thing in common. It doesn’t matter a “lick” to them that my stories are sweet paranormal romances in which (magical) humans find their HEA.
Not one bit. No. No. Each story is all about them. This month, I’m with a cat-acter who brings a unique twist to my tales. Alika is a feline with a story that’s as intriguing as mysterious. Fortunately, I could snag this interview before his latest adventure—accompanying Rhea into space.
Readers of BEWITCHING ANDIE and RHEA’S CONUNDRUM have already met the handsome, ebony-colored male with an enigmatic background. He made his grand entrance in BEWITCHING ANDIE when he and Rhea appeared out of the ether in a swirl of light and sparkles.
But the fanfare of their dramatic arrival was lost on Rhea’s daughter, Andie. Andie had enough on her plate as a single mother raising her emerging wizard son without dealing with her flighty mother, an unconventional witch in her own right.
Alika, with his unique abilities, built a bridge between mother and daughter right before he and Rhea departed again. Let’s see what he says about all this, shall we? I should warn you he’s a selective mind reader, so guard your thoughts carefully.
Enjoy this Whisker Wisdom Caterview with Alika!
ME: Alika, tell us about yourself and how you met Rhea.
ALIKA (sitting back on his tall and stately haunches, he slightly nods): Indeed, I shall. I have been a part of your mother’s life for ages, for as you know, a day feels like a year with the dear woman. Before I was assigned to her–.
ME: Excuse the interruption, but you may want to explain the concept of an assignment.
A: Ah. Yes. Your readers are mortal Ordinaries. Many magicals are assigned to what Ordinaries might call a familiar. I believe you introduced Aloysius before me. He was assigned to a family and followed them for generations. Before I was matched with Rhea nearly four decades ago, I was assigned to a young woman in St Petersburg, where I am from.
ME (after the cat’s long pause): Are you comfortable telling us more?
A: I just needed a moment. I don’t share this story often. With her, I violated the rule of not becoming emotionally attached. It only leads to pain when the assignment ends. It was difficult in Russia, and being a gifted human was dangerous. My magical was imprisoned and later executed.
ME: I’m so sorry. I knew you were Russian but didn’t know the rest. It must have been horrible for both of you.
A: It was, and I refused a new assignment for a long time after that. But Rhea’s story was compelling. She’d had several familiars before me who had found her too challenging. Indeed, she is a very unusual assignment but never dull.
ME: Exactly what is your role as a familiar?
A: You’ve undoubtedly heard the saying, guide on the side. As a counselor or confidante of sorts, I hold no power over my assigned humans. They have free will to use their gifts as they wish. As you mentioned, I speak many languages and can read minds quite well. I can converse with magicals like Rhea and sympathetic humans like yourself. I can also point out possible pitfalls to their plans. I also assist in getting them out of what you might term complicated situations.
ME: Rhea comes from a family of witches, right?
A: Yes. She is a witch but a highly unconventional one. No potions or eye of newt for her. Her power is transporting to other times through meditation. I must accompany her.
ME: She’s a time traveler as well, then?
A: In a sense. But it’s never deliberate or planned. And doesn’t happen every time she meditates.
ME: What’s been the most unusual?
A: There are so many. Yet ancient Egypt tops the list. Her unconventional appearance and free-form dancing bewitched the pharaoh king, and I lived a grand life. Remember, cats were considered gods by those wise humans. But suddenly, the pharaoh died, which I will always believe was the result of being poisoned by his son. Rhea was about to be sealed in a pyramid to spend eternity with him in the afterlife.
ME: How’d you get out of that one?
A: A group of my feline comrades created a caterwauling distraction. The humans thought the cat gods were angry and fell prostrate before them, begging for forgiveness. While they noisily pleaded for their lives, I caught up with Rhea. We found a crevice within the tomb where she could drop into her meditation session. And vooom. We were back.
ME: Oooo! Exciting. That sounds like Raiders of the Lost Ark stuff. Speaking of movies, I’m told you are fond of sci-fi and horror films. Is that true?
A: Absolutely true. One of my favorite films is the original 1951 version of The Day the Earth Stood Still. Though I appreciate Keanu Reeves’ performances, particularly his superb portrayal of John Wick, I do not believe his 2008 movie version was nearly as good. But I am what you might call a black-and-white movie snob. If you’d like, I can elaborate on all the cinematic iterations of Dracula.
ME: Uhhh. Alika, that might have to wait until another time.
A (nods in deference): I understand. Time constrains all forms of whisker wisdom.
ME (casting a wide eyeroll): Most certainly. But, having you as a guest for this Caterview has been a pleasure. As we conclude, do you have anything you’d like to add?
A (ponders a moment): I wish to compliment your portrayal of Rhea in your stories. She’s a complicated person; her past behavior has caused her to do a great deal of soul-searching. She’d never win awards for exemplary parenting skills, but I think her children have grown up to be fine humans despite Rhea’s, shall we say, eccentricities.
ME: Alika, thank you for that. She’s certainly flawed, but aren’t we all? I appreciate how you’ve been her constant companion all these years and helped her and Andie come closer. And we’re all excited to see how you and Rhea manage your next adventures. Promise you’ll check in when you can.
A (clearly smiling): Madam, it will be my pleasure.
You might wonder why I didn’t ask Alika who makes those assignments. Rest assured, I’ve tried asking. But he and all the cats in my stories seem bound by some code of silence. They dodge the question every time.
If you haven’t met Alika yet, start with BEWITCHING ANDIE. He and Rhea begin their space adventure in RHEA’S CONDUNDRUM. All my Baga Shores and Nocturne Falls Universe books are available from all vendors. Also, search your library’s catalog. Many have access to the ebook versions. If they don’t, please ask them to get it for you!
Next time, you’ll meet Tau, who’s just dipping his paw into life in Baga Shores. Blanco, the cat you met in CONVINCING EMILY, will conclude the Caterview series.